What is Sound Healing?

Vibrational Sound Therapy
Boost creativity
Addresses blockages and tension
Calms the mind, body and spirit
Takes us into a deeply meditative state
Helps to gain clarity and remove brain fog
Reduces stress/depression and sleep issues

How does it work?

Vibrational Sound Therapy (VST) has profound effects on the body and the mind. The VST method is above all a method of relaxation, and most people will reach this state of relaxation quickly, even during their first session. During a VST session the body will go through noticeable changes as it responds to deeper and deeper states of rest. Relaxation is not only a physical state but also a state of consciousness, and VST has very strong effects on alertness and perception. Relaxation during a VST session brings on the same kind of brain states as yoga, tai chi, and meditation. This relaxed state allows the body to repair itself instead of responding to outside concerns. The immune system is at its best when we are relaxed. VST is so gentle and relaxing that almost all people will fall asleep at some point during the session. Small tremors and shakes are common as people enter and exit the theta and delta brain rhythms. Some of these movements may be sudden and strong. Those who undergo a state of deep relaxation often report a feeling of mental freshness that they carry with them after the session is over. Relaxation and meditative states of mind have also been shown to increase the threshold for emotional response, meaning they can help us control our emotional responses to outside influences. Like other kinds of meditation, sound massage can help us be more internally aware while being more present in the moment and more connected with our surroundings.